Become a member at the Graduate Academy Leipzig

Postdocs Dr. Steffi Marung and Dr. Ute Rietdorf in the Collaborative Research Centre 1199: Processes of Spatialization Under the Global Condition. Photo: Swen Reichhold

Become a member

Postdocs of Leipzig University who did their doctorate no longer than three years ago can become members of the Graduate Academy Leipzig under certain conditions. They benefit from financial subsidies and other offers.

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Our Services

If you are registered as a postdoc at the Graduate Academy Leipzig, you can benefit from our support services.

Leibniz Programme at the Research Academy Leipzig


Through Leibniz MOBILITY, we support postdocs who would like to invite international visiting scholars (INVITATIONS) as well as those who plan to travel to universities worldwide for a stay that is focused on research and networking (TRAVELS).

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Pjoto: Swen Reichhold
Promovierende und Postdocs, die eine eigene Veranstaltung organisieren möchten, unterstützen wir gern. Foto: Christian Hüller
Upon request, we can arrange for free on-site childcare during our workshops and events. All childminders have childcare training. Photo: Christian Hüller
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For early postdocs (R2 - Recognized Researchers until 3 years after the doctorate)

 Viola Gründemann

Viola Gründemann

Quality and Graduate Development Officer

Straße des 17. Juni 2, Room 102
04107 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-37168

For advanced postdocs (R3 - Established Researchers)

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Dr. Cathleen Heil

Academic Staff Development Officer

Dezernat 1 Forschung und Transfer
Ritterstraße 26, Room 312
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-35093

Office hours
Montag - Donnerstag